Archive for Hunts
Guided Snow Goose Hunts New York – Maryland
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We started pounding snow geese on the east coast in 1978 when you could only shoot 2 geese a day. Now there are
NO LIMITS . Come help DOA Outfitters save the environment. Oh yeah. And have a lot of fun. Unlike New Jersey geese, our snow do not eat marsh grass in the meadows of NJ. Our snow goose diet consists of corn and winter wheat making them much better table fair. Even better than the Canada Goose. If you have always what it must have been like a couple hundred years ago shooting waterfowl and never worry about limits, then come visit us this year for a snow goose hunt. Truly and addicting sport. Contact Joe today to get lined up for the waterfowl thrill of a lifetime. harvested all phases of Snow, Blue and Ross geese on our hunts. The Greater Speckle Belly is even showing up in good numbers now on our hunts. The variety og geese killed on the Delmarva Peninsula is amazing now. On any normal Snow goose hunt with DOA Outfitters whether in Finger Lakes NY, Eastern Shore MD, or DE we harvest a variety of Greater and Lesser Snows or Blues with a mixture of Ross in white or blue phase, Speckle bellies, and Canadas in phases of Greater, Lesser, Migratory and Richardson.
It makes for a great hunt when you never know what is coming in next. Most hunts have no limits either so bring some ammo.
Delaware Migratory Game Bird Seasons Waterfowl & Dove 2016/2017
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Canada Geese (Resident) Sep 1 – Sep 24
Canada Geese (Migratory)
Including White-fronted geese
Nov 21 – Nov 26
Dec 16 – Feb 4
Dec 3 – Jan 28
Snow Geese
Including Ross’ geese
Oct 5 – Feb 4
No limit
***February 11***
Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge open Mon., Wed., and Fri. with permission of Refuge Manager.
Snow Goose Conservation Order
Feb 6 – Feb 10
No bag or possession limits
Feb 13 – Apr 7
During the Conservation Order (CO) unplugged shotguns and electronic calls may be used to harvest snow geese. Shooting hours have been extended to ½ hour after sunset and daily bag & possession limits have been eliminated. Hunters who wish to participate in the CO must register for a free, annual permit, available by visiting www.dnrec.delaware.
Ducks (Regular Season)
Oct 28 – Nov 8
Nov 21 – Nov. 26
Dec 9 – Jan 28
September Teal
Sep 9 – Sep 27
Limited to the designated teal zone south of the C & D Canal to Lewes, and east of Routes 13, 113/113A, and 1. Bag limit may include any combination of blue-winged and/or green-winged teal
Youth Waterfowl Hunt
Youth must be age 10-15.
Oct 22 & Feb 11
Daily bag limits as listed below apply for ducks, mergansers, coots, moorhens, gallinules, Canada geese, snow geese and brant.
Daily Bag Limits and Possession Limits
The daily limit of 6 ducks (excluding mergansers and coots) may include, in any combination, up to: 4 mallards, including no more than 2 hen mallards; 1 black duck; 2 pintail; 2 canvasback, 3 wood ducks; 2 redheads; 2 scaup, 6 teal; 6 shovelers; 6 gadwall; 6 wigeon; 6 goldeneye; 6 ring-necked ducks; 6 bufflehead; 6 ruddy ducks; 1 mottled duck; 1 fulvous whistling-duck; 4 scoters; 4 eiders; 4 long-tailed ducks. The possession limit is 3 times the daily limit. The season on harlequin ducks remains closed.
Sea Ducks
Scoters, Eiders, and Long-tailed ducks
Nov 21 – Jan 28*
* Season dates apply to Special Sea Duck Area where ducks may be taken not less than 800 yards (1/2) mile seaward from the Delaware Bay shore or the Atlantic Ocean shore beginning at an east-west line between Port Mahon and the Elbow Cross Navigation Light, south to the Delaware-Maryland line. The shooting of crippled sea ducks from a motorboat under power will be permitted in the designated sea duck hunting area. Sea ducks may only be harvested outside of the Special Sea Duck Area during the regular duck season and are part of the regular duck season bag and possession limits.
** The daily bag limit for sea ducks to include no more than 4 scoters, 4 long-tailed ducks, or 4 eiders. Within the Special Sea Duck Area, during the regular duck season, the sea duck limit may be in addition to limits for other ducks during the regular duck season.
Same as Duck Season
Same as Duck Season
** Daily bag limit may include no more than 2 hooded mergansers (6 in possession
Mourning Dove
Sep 1 – Oct 1
Oct 19 – Oct 22
Nov 21 – Jan 14
During the month of September, all hunters must use non-toxic shot when dove hunting on State Wildlife Areas.
King & Clapper Rails
* Singly or in combination of the two species
Sep 1 – Nov 9
Sora & Virginia Rails
* Singly or in combination of the two species
Sep 1 – Nov 9
Nov 21 – Dec 3
Dec 14 – Jan 14
Common Snipe
Sep 20 – Dec 3
Dec 14 – Jan 14
Moorhens & Gallinules
Sep 1 – Nov 9
*Thurs., Fri., & Sat. only
Jun 23 – Mar 25*
No Limit
No Limit
To view regulations for hunting of migratory game birds, see:
• USFWS complete Federal Regulations (50 CFR Part 20):
• Synopsis of Federal Regulations:
NOTE: When State law is different from the Federal law the hunter must comply with the most restrictive law.
Snow Goose Hunting Story
Posted by: | CommentsSnow Goose Hunting Story from Maryland, Delaware
Sea ducks; Diver ducks; Puddle ducks; Canada goose hunts; Spring snow goose hunting; ducks hunting; Spring turkey hunting in Maryland and Delaware
The field we are hunting tomorrow was loaded yesterday with 30,000 snows and myself nor the clients got much sleep in the lodge. We were up at 2:30am. We couldn’t sleep much last night. It felt just like Christmas morning and the gift was a chance to crush the heck out of the snow geese and pile em up. We got to the field and pulled out to the exact spot they lifted off the evening before. An hour later the crew had 1,000 well placed decoys and we jumped in our white suits to just look like part of the flock of snow geese. We were ready to pile em up.
As the sun started coming up a lonely single snow flew over the rig not more than 20 yards high. I called the shot and the guns roared.
The snow crashed to the ground hard. I love hearing that THUD when they hit.
Getting back in position we could here the snows coming. Finally in the glow of sunrise we could see a cloud moving in the east. But the other clouds weren’t moving so what’s going on. That’s really strange. Then it hit me. It was about 5,000 snows hell bent for our field to feed. So any snows it looked like a huge cloud in the horizon.
They had been on the roost sleeping for about 14 hours and they were hungry.
Now the birds are about 1/2 mile out and closing fast. The excitement and anticipation is so great that you can feel your heart pounding in your chest. No wonder we love doing shooting snows so much. This experience is almost as exciting and thrilling as the hottest female on the planet begging for you to make love to her. Actually the older you get, the more thrilling hunting is. Oh well.
Now the birds, all 5,000, are only 200 yards out and locked up heading straight for our decoy rig. They sail in the last 200 yards at 25 yards high and it’s about to get ugly real soon. Because you can’t hear yourself think for all the noise that 50,000 geese are making honking, I have to scream the command to open up on these white bastards. “Kill em, Kill em Kill em” I scream as all 10 hunters pop up from their position on the ground. The guns roar as birds start to drop. Looks like It’s raining birds everywhere. Bang-Thud multiple times as the guns roar and birds hit the deck. Thud Thud Thud. After the smoke clears we start picking up birds. Some stone dead and some crippled but that’s where the retriever gets to have her fun. After the hunters and the dog get done retrieving the downed birds we do a head count. 16 dead birds. A great start for sure and some good shooting for sure. Hey guys I holler. Their coming at us again. Get in position. It’s about to get ugly again. And so goes the entire morning. Time and time again. An endless train of snow geese just not knowing when yo quit. What a hunt. After several boxes of shells and lots of banging we take inventory of the results of the hunt. 105 birds in three hours and done. We may have soar shoulders and a lot of birds to clean but we’ll be glad to do it all over again tomorrow. And rest assured. We will wake up early again just like the anxiousness of Christmas morning and be ready to get it and growl. Red on white. It’s quite a sight. It’s not the wild meat but the heart beat. That’s why we do it.
Join us and visit the snow goose hunting website and join hunting.
11th Annual Waterfowlers Boot Camp
Posted by: | CommentsWith this being our 11th year, We are under a new regime.. Freshmeat for 2015.. We are taking on the task of putting together Waterfowler’s Boot Camp. So, please join us to take a look at the new way things may be done..
Our calling contests will get a bit of a face lift as well as we look to have more money and more payouts….. No more winner takes all! Three sanctions available, two for Waterfowl and one for Turkey!
Duck and Snow Goose Hunting in Maryland, Delaware
Posted by: | CommentsDuck and Snow Goose Hunting in Maryland, Delaware
Snow goose and duck hunting guided waterfowl hunting trips in Maryland, Delaware, New York and Canada
To all fellow waterfowl hunters snow goose hunting Maryland or snow goose hunting New York. Face it, We are obsessed. We are nothing but pure adrenalin junkies looking for our next fix. OK, so we all certainly enjoy goose hunting and duck hunting. Cupped wings of any kind of waterfowl gets our hearts pumping. If you have never been snow goose hunting then you truthfully have not lived. Snow goose hunting done in fields is as thrilling as it gets. All of our snow goose hunts involve hundreds if not thousands of snow geese falling in the decoys from a point of view that very few humans ever experience. Call Joe now to get set up for a snow goose hunting experience like no other. Snow goose hunts are done mostly in MD, DE & NY. One state being as great as the other. P.S. You ain’t getting any younger. We cater to disabled Veterans and the elderly especially. They desire our attention.
Delaware Snow goose hunting
Centrally located between the huge tidal marshes of southern New Jersey and endless cornfields of Maryland’s Eastern Shore, Delaware winters close to 1.000,000 snow geese annually.Delaware is home to two major snow geese roosts- the 25,000 acre Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge and the 9,900 acre Prime Hook Nationals Wildlife refuge. (Sussex County) Combined these refuges host over 600,000 snow geese each fall. Both refuges provide large fresh water and marshes for snow geese.
Maryland Snow Goose Hunting
With over 2,200 square miles of grain farms and numerous bays and roost ponds, Maryland’s Eastern shore now winters over 200,000 snow geese. With all this seemingly endless waterfowl habitat, the snow goose population has exploded here in the last ten years. In addition,being only 12 miles away from the Delaware bay and Bombay Hook refuge, Maryland is also a huge feeding destination for birds from Delaware.
Snow Goose Hunting Maryland Expert Joe Austin
Call My Cell at (410) 603-1400
or email at:
Additionally Reach Joe at (315) 889-1790.
Physical Address: 10206 Sharptown Rd. Mardela Springs, Maryland 21837
New York
snow goose hunting maryland
Posted by: | CommentsWe started pounding snow geese on the east coast in 1978 when you could only shoot 2 geese a day. Now there are
NO LIMITS . Come help DOA Outfitters save the environment. Oh yeah. And have a lot of fun. Unlike New Jersey geese, our snow do not eat marsh grass in the meadows of NJ. Our snow goose diet consists of corn and winter wheat making them much better table fair. Even better than the Canada Goose. If you have always what it must have been like a couple hundred years ago shooting waterfowl and never worry about limits, then come visit us this year for a snow goose hunt. Truly and addicting sport. Contact Joe today to get lined up for the waterfowl thrill of a lifetime. harvest all phases of Snow, Blue and Rossgeese on our hunts. The Greater Speckle Belly is even showing up in good numbers now on our hunts. The variety og geese killed on the Delmarva Peninsula is amazing now. On any normal Snow goose hunt with DOA Outfitters whether in Finger Lakes NY, Eastern Shore MD, or DE we harvest a variety of Greater and Lesser Snows or Blues with a mixture of Ross in white or blue phase, Speckle bellies, and Canadas in phases of Greater, Lesser, Migratory and Richardson.
It makes for a great hunt when you never know what is coming in next. Most hunts have no limits either so bring some ammo.
Snow goose hunting maryland
Posted by: | CommentsBe believed as the first human domesticated fowl, goose comes from the wild swan goose or grey goose. Wild goose is the predecessor of Chinese goose, while grey goose is the origin of European national goose.Canada Goose Kensington Parka black Goose is a kind of poultry, it is bigger than ducks, has long neck, wide flat beak, with short tail, white or gray body and with protruding flesh forehead. The male goose’s bump is bigger, has long neck, with big webbed feet and is good at swimming. Cereals, vegetables, fish, shrimps and some other stuff are foods of goose, moreover, the meat and eggs of goose are able to be eaten.
According to its features, goose can be induced to be duck course with Aves and wild goose outline. Duck species have complex kinds, we often say some animals, such as geese, swans, ducks, mandarin ducks and other animals are all duck species. Some of these animals are trained to become domesticated poultries by humans, such as mallard ducks are domesticated into ducks, wild geese are domesticated into geese, gray geese are domesticated into the European goose and perched warts nose ducks are domesticated into Muscovy duck.
These members are with different shapes and habits. Some of them would like to eat plants; however, some are fond of eating fish. Some of them would be good diver, but it is only impossible for some to float on the water. In addition, some can be defined to one of the strongest flying birds, while others are not good at flying. There are several swans, such as warts nose goose and big swans are the largest size of swimming birds, it is also one of the largest flying birds. Mute Swan is also the most elegant bird, which is commonly seen in the park in Europe, but it is not seen in China commonly.
Family geese have been started to be domesticated by human beings around three or maybe four thousand years ago and wild goose is their forefather. Geese always have big heads, wide and strong bodies, full chests, have cold resistance, with gregarious natures and disease resistances. Geese are not only with quick growing speed, but own a relatively long life span if contrasting to other poultry, four to fifteen kilogram would be their rough weight. Goose habitats in the vicinity of ponds and other waters, it is good at swimming. The incubation period of goose will be about one month and raising activities are taken all over the world. There are some core sorts of goose, such as lion goose, Taegu goose and other geese.
What we can learn from modern pharmacology study is that a high concentration of immunoglobulin is being existed in the blood of goose, it has over forty percent controlling rate on the aspect of Ehrlich Ascots carcinoma.
Snow goose on FaceBook
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You can visit our FaceBook fan page also. Here you can follow our programs and schedule any hunting sessions.
Late Waterfowl Seasons Maryland
Posted by: | CommentsLate Maryland Waterfowl Seasons and Bag Limits 2016-2017
Note: Shooting hours for regular waterfowl seasons are one-half hour before sunrise to sunset except for (1) teal during the September season when shooting hours are sunrise to sunset, (2) for Resident Canada geese during September seasons when shooting hours are from one-half hour before sunrise to one half hour after sunset, and (3) light geese during the conservation order season when shooting hours are one-half hour before sunrise to one half hour after sunset. All hunting season dates are inclusive. The possession limit is twice the daily bag limit, except for light geese (greater and lesser snow geese, Ross’ geese) which have no possession limit. Waterfowl hunting is closed on Sundays by Maryland law.
Regular Duck Season Oct. 15 – Oct. 22 Nov. 12 – Nov. 25 Dec. 13 – Jan. 28
Black Duck Season Nov. 12 – Nov. 25 Dec. 13 – Jan. 28
Duck Daily Bag and Possession Limits: The daily bag limit of ducks (including mergansers) is 6. The 6-duck limit shall consist of no more than 5 long-tailed ducks, 4 scoters, 4 mallards (max. 2 hen mallards), 2 scaup, 3 wood ducks, 2 pintails. 2 redheads, 2 hooded mergansers, 2 canvasback, 1 black duck (during black duck season), 1 fulvous tree duck, and 1 mottled duck. All other species of ducks (except harlequin duck) may be taken up to the 6-duck limit. The possession limit is twice the daily bag limit. In addition to the duck bag limit hunters may take 15 coots per day. No open season for harlequin ducks and swans.
Season Dates Nov. 5 & Feb. 11
Daily Bag and Possession Limits: The duck bag limits for the Youth Waterfowl Hunting Days are the same as the regular season (above), except one black duck may also be taken. In addition to the duck bag limit youth hunters may take 2 Canada geese in AP Canada goose hunt zone or 5 Canada geese in the Resident (AFRP) Canada goose hunt zone, 2 brant, 25 light geese, and 15 coots. The Canada goose hunting zones are online at No open season for harlequin ducks and swans.
Any licensed hunter 15 years old or younger may participate during these one-day hunts. Youth of this age who are exempt from Maryland hunting license requirements may also participate. Youth waterfowl hunters must possess a receipt showing they purchased a $9 Maryland Migratory Game Bird Hunting Stamp. Youth hunters must be accompanied by an adult at least 21 years old that holds a valid Maryland hunting license or is exempt from the hunting license requirements. One adult may take one or more young hunters, and that adult may call waterfowl, assist with decoys and retrieve downed birds but may not possess a hunting weapon and may not participate in other seasons that are open on the youth waterfowl hunting days.
SEA DUCKS (Scoters, Long-tailed Ducks, and Eiders)
Season: Nov 5 – Jan. 13 (Only in Special Sea Duck Zone) Daily Bag Limit: 5 (no more than 4 longtails, riders, or scoters) per day
Season: Nov. 19 – Nov. 25 Dec. 13 – Jan. 28
Daily Bag Limit: 2 per day*
AP Hunt Zone: Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Calvert, Caroline, Cecil, Dorchester, Harford, Howard, Kent, Queen Anne’s, Somerset, St. Mary’s, Talbot, Wicomico, and Worcester Counties; and that portion of Carroll County east of Route 31 to the intersection of Route 97, and east of Route 97 to the Pennsylvania line; and that portion of Prince George’s County east of Route 3 and Route 301; and that portion of Charles County east of Route 301 to the Virginia line.
*Bag limit may include Canada geese, cackling geese, and greater white-fronted geese singly or in aggregate.
Season: Nov. 19 – Nov. 25 Dec. 13 – Mar. 8
Daily Bag Limit: 5 per day*
Resident Hunt Zone: Allegany, Frederick, Garrett, Montgomery, and Washington Counties; and that portion of Carroll County west of Route 31 to the intersection of Route 97, and west of Route 97 to the Pennsylvania line; and that portion of Prince George’s County west of Route 3 and Route 301; and that portion of Charles County west of Route 301 to the Virginia line.
*Bag limit may include Canada geese, cackling geese, and greater white-fronted geese singly or in aggregate.
Season Dates: Nov. 8 – Nov. 25 Dec. 12 – Jan. 31
Daily Bag Limit: 2 per day
Season Dates: Oct. 1 – Nov. 25 Dec. 12 – Feb. 4 and Feb. 11 Daily Bag Limit: 25 per day and no possession limit**
**Bag limit may include greater and lesser snow geese and Ross’s geese singly or in aggregate.
Seasons Dates: Nov. 28 – Dec. 10 Feb. 6 – Feb 10 and Feb. 13 – April 15
Daily Bag Limit: No daily bag or possession limits.
CO Hunt Zone: Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Calvert, Caroline, Cecil, Dorchester, Harford, Howard, Kent, Queen Anne’s, Somerset, St. Mary’s, Talbot, Wicomico, and Worcester Counties; and that portion of Carroll County east of Route 31 to the intersection of Route 97, and east of Route 97 to the Pennsylvania line; that portion of Prince George’s County east of Route 3 and Route 301; and that portion of Charles County east of Route 301 to the Virginia line. The Special Sea Duck Zone is excluded from this hunt area.
Special Regulations during Light Goose Conservation Order Season:
(1) Participating hunters must possess a $5 Snow Goose Conservation Order Hunting Season Permit while hunting light geese during this season; (2) Hunters may use shotguns capable of holding more than three shotshells; (3) Hunters may use electronic calls with recordings of light geese; and (4) Shooting hours are from one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset
Snow goose Hunting Maryland
Posted by: | CommentsSnow goose Hunting Maryland
If you are looking to do some snowgoose hunting in Maryland you’ve reached the right page.
We have been doing snowgoose hunts for many years and can show you a successful and prosperous hunting experience.
Contact us for details on our Snowgoose Hunting Maryland excursions.